OpenSourceUA – Empowering Innovation in Ukraine

Are you passionate about technology, innovation, and driving positive change? Look no further. OpenSourceUA is the epicenter for Ukraine’s dynamic tech ecosystem, where startups and developers converge to shape the future.

Join the Movement

Ready to be part of something bigger? Join OpenSourceUA and become a driving force in Ukraine’s tech revolution. Together, we can turn ideas into innovations that shape the future.

Collaborative Innovation

OpenSourceUA is more than just a platform; it’s a thriving community where like-minded individuals collaborate on groundbreaking projects. From cutting-edge AI applications to robust hardware solutions, we foster an environment that fuels creativity and innovation

Open Source at Heart

Embrace the power of open source. OpenSourceUA is committed to the principles of transparency, collaboration, and shared knowledge. Our projects are built with open-source technologies, empowering contributors to make a lasting impact

Tech Hub for Ukraine

Ukraine boasts a rich pool of tech talent, and OpenSourceUA serves as the central hub for this talent to unite. Whether you’re a startup looking for skilled developers or a coder seeking exciting projects, our platform is your gateway to unparalleled opportunities

Expert-Led Chats

Engage in discussions with industry experts. Our chats cover a lots of topics, from AI and deep learning to the latest advancements in edge computing. Learn, share, and grow with the best in the field

Project Showcase

Elevate your projects. OpenSourceUA provides a dedicated space for showcasing your work. Whether it’s a groundbreaking AI algorithm or a revolutionary hardware design, let the world see your innovation

Networking Events

Connect with the right people. Attend our networking events, where startups meet investors, developers find collaborators, and ideas transform into Ukrainian tech reality

Developer Showcase: Elevate Your Expertise

Unlock the door to professional growth and collaboration. OpenSourceUA provides a unique opportunity for developers to showcase their skills and experience. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a coding enthusiast eager to learn, our community is the perfect space to exhibit your expertise. Engage in meaningful discussions, collaborate on innovative projects, and accelerate your journey in the ever-evolving tech landscape. This is your chance to shine, learn, and build lasting connections with like-minded developers

Startups Accelerate: MVP Development Made Easy

For startups with ambitious dreams, OpenSourceUA is the launchpad for success. Take advantage of our exclusive opportunity to develop your Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for free. Leverage the collective wisdom of our community to refine your ideas and bring them to life without the financial burden. It’s time to turn your vision into reality, attract real users, and set the stage for growth. With OpenSourceUA, your startup’s journey begins on a solid foundation, propelling you towards success in the competitive tech landscape

Founder Matchmaking: Uniting Visionaries

Founding a tech venture is a journey best taken with a like-minded partner. OpenSourceUA is the meeting ground for founders seeking that ideal co-founder who shares the same passion and vision. Whether you’re a visionary with a groundbreaking idea or someone eager to contribute their skills to a transformative project, our platform facilitates connections based on shared interests. Seize the opportunity to find the perfect co-founder and embark on a collaborative journey that transforms ideas into reality. The right partnership can make all the difference, and OpenSourceUA is where it begins